Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear Beyonce,

I may not be your biggest fan (except for the slightly manic 'crazy in love' and maybe 'No, no, no' with Destiny's Child and even those may be because of the rap interludes by Jay Z and Wyclef, but I digress)... So yes, I'm not the biggest fan. I've always thought you are very beautiful and talented no doubt, but a slightly too-loud singer who overdoes her songs and wears similarly glittery gowns all the time. And we won't even dwell on the robot glove.

But you left me ENCHANTED by this rendition of At Last. The moment, the Obama's dancing so sweetly, the rapturous crowds, the setting, Michelle's pretty gown, your pretty, understated gown...and your voice with real, true, honest emotion. Not one false note. It really was magical.

So thank you Beyonce. I will now try to forget 'single ladies..put a ring on it' and the robot glove (shudder).


And for the rest of you who may not have seen it, this is what I'm talking about.



B. S. Prakash said...

thanks for putting this. I had not seen it and i loved it,

Unknown said...

aww, she's about to cry... it's so wonderful.

oh light light i've been away from here and i've missed you! so much to catch up on...

chanbong said...

what's with the laziness, lightlight? still no new posts? get back to work, write up!

chanbong said...

well played, lightlight. well played.